What is Dear Moxie
Kimberly Becker Kimberly Becker

What is Dear Moxie

Dear Moxie: An advice column for academia's people problems with AI. Submit scenarios on faculty resistance, ethics concerns, new AI norms and get personalized human guidance.

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Over the AI Wars
Dr. Desi Richter Dr. Desi Richter

Over the AI Wars

Dear Moxie, I am a faculty member in a doctoral program and have a love/hate relationship with AI in education. Personally, I love it. I see AI as a tool that can be used or misused, just like any other tool. But my university doesn’t see it this way. I feel like they are stuck in the AI stone age (if such a thing exists). All anybody wants to talk about is how to keep students from using AI to cheat. Sometimes these conversations get really heated and uncomfortable.

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